Possession of a single illegal THC vaporizer can carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a lifetime label that makes it difficult to enter college, obtain a job, or find housing. Consuming up to 4 ounces of marijuana in bloom is a misdemeanor. Tharp, the district attorney, said that cases of THC vaping in schools have not yet come to her attention, probably because state crime laboratories only started distinguishing THC strains in September. In Comal County, officers arrested students for felonies, not knowing what their vaporizers actually contained.
It's also worth noting that the weight for determining the level of crime committed includes the weight of any adulterant or diluent, meaning that the weight of what the THC concentrate actually contains cannot be blamed on the weight alone. If you've been accused of allegedly possessing a THC vaporizer, you should know that it's not the end. Police field test kits, such as those used by the Comal County Sheriff's Office, can quickly detect if vaping oil contains THC, but not if it's derived from legal hemp or illegal marijuana. And since sheriff's deputies assigned to schools usually know if a vaporizer contains THC, but not if it's delta-8 or the illegal delta-9 cannabis oil, they assume the worst, slap each other and let someone else find out.
The district can't comment on specific students, but spokesperson Steve Stanford said the district works with the sheriff's office to address the issue of THC vaping. Another unsuccessful measure would have reduced the penalty for possessing a small amount of marijuana concentrates, such as oils and edibles for vaping with THC delta-9, from a felony to a misdemeanor, such as marijuana in bloom. However, a department document listing incidents at Comal Independent School District schools showed that at least seven minors and two people aged 17 and older were arrested last semester for allegedly possessing a controlled substance in the penalty group most associated with THC oil. Staying informed about relevant legislation, both at the state and federal levels, is always good advice, but when it comes to the possession of products with THC, especially in Texas, it is best to exercise caution and exercise extreme vigilance.
Even so, he soon felt the metal on his wrists and they took him handcuffed to the other side of campus until he reached the school sheriff's office so that officers could test him for THC in vaping oil. It's important to understand what constitutes unlawful possession and the possible penalties associated with these crimes. When considering the legality of cannabis possession in Texas, one of the most prudent steps you can take is to simply not consume any THC products while in the state. State law severely penalizes possession of marijuana or any related product by a person in Texas.
Regarding the adoption of disciplinary measures at school, he said that it is up to the student to prove that a pen with THC is legal, not for the school to prove that it is illegal.