How Much THC Can You Safely Give Your Dog?

When it comes to giving your dog THC, it's important to understand the context. Learn how much is safe and what treatments are available in cases of severe poisoning.

How Much THC Can You Safely Give Your Dog?

When it comes to giving your dog THC, it's important to understand the context. The average edible treat contains 10 to 15 mg of THC, while a high dose contains 20 mg or more. To control pain, you should administer 1 to 5 mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight, every 8 hours or as needed. For other uses, you should administer once or twice daily. It's important to remember that an average dose of THC for humans may be too much for your dog.

This is something that many pet owners don't realize until it's too late, as the effects of THC take longer to show in dogs than in humans. Therefore, it's best to start with a small dose and increase it slowly over time. The use of THC and CBD oil for dogs is still a relatively new topic in veterinary medicine. While organizations such as the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals do not yet approve the use of THC to treat dogs, research is being conducted on its potential benefits. Studies have shown that fasting dogs that received the ninth dose of THC oil reached maximum plasma levels of THC one hour after the dose. When it comes to administering THC, it's important to remember that different strains contain different percentages of THC.

If you have marijuana that contains more than 20% THC, you should be even more careful when dosing your pet. Additionally, research has shown that CBD for dogs has more potential benefits than THC for treating various ailments. On the other hand, a 150-pound dog would need 1023 grams of marijuana flower or 256 grams of THC concentrate for a possible lethal dose. If you're using a product that is also THC free, it's important to know if these products work as well as those that contain THC. In cases of severe THC poisoning, treatments may include intravenous fluids, medications, fluids, and possibly induced vomiting. This is especially risky for older pets who may not be able to handle the intense stress caused by the psychoactive effects of THC.