What Does Pure THC Do to Your Body?

THC is a cannabinoid found in marijuana that produces a feeling of euphoria when consumed. Learn more about what pure THC does to your body and how it interacts with CBD.

What Does Pure THC Do to Your Body?

THC is a cannabinoid that activates the neurons responsible for pleasure, memory, and thinking. It differs from CBD in that it produces a feeling of euphoria and is illegal in many states. Possible health benefits of THC include controlling pain and helping people sleep. We have two types of cannabinoid receptors in our body, and THC binds to these receptors, mainly in the brain, to control pain, mood, and other sensations.

This is why it can make you feel high. CBD oil is used for many reasons, such as reducing pain and inflammation, but it does not have any psychoactive properties. Due to its structural similarity to the receptors, THC is able to interact with them and cause the high associated with recreational cannabis use. CBD needs THC to bind to the CB1 receptor and can help reduce some of the unwanted psychoactive effects of THC, such as euphoria or sedation.

Vaporizers are devices that extract the active ingredients (including THC) from marijuana and collect their vapor in a storage unit. Most standard drug tests look for chemicals related to THC, so its use may appear in a screening test. In the body, CBD and THC interact with cannabinoid receptors to help treat or limit the effects of several conditions. Both CBD and THC remain federally illegal substances and are only approved for recreational or drug use in certain states.

A person considering consuming CBD or THC should review their local laws regularly, as they may change or be changing. CBD products are often mislabeled, and some products contain small amounts of THC despite claims that they do not contain it. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), THC affects things like thinking, memory, pleasure, movements, concentration, coordination, and sensory and time perception. However, there is some evidence that suggests a connection between THC or cannabis use and certain psychiatric conditions.

Even though the FDA-approved drug Marinol has been available for some time now, the synthetic THC it uses may not be as effective as natural THC or cannabis. Some people who use marijuana may experience uncomfortable side effects, especially when using marijuana products with high levels of THC. While normal FDA-approved pharmaceuticals actively change receptor processes in the body, THC and cannabis seem to work differently by capitalizing on natural processes. Experts are still unsure how CBD interacts with receptors but believe that it binds differently than THC.