The Difference Between CBD and THC Edibles Explained

CBD and THC are two of the most common compounds found in marijuana and hemp. Learn about their differences and how they can affect your experience with cannabis edibles.

The Difference Between CBD and THC Edibles Explained

THC and CBD are two of the most common compounds found in marijuana and hemp. THC is the compound that produces the psychoactive effects, while CBD does not. Hemp contains more CBD than THC, while marijuana contains more THC than CBD. CBD edibles are a great way to get the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without getting high.

In seven states, CBD oil has been legalized for medicinal purposes, but cannabis remains penalized. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the second most prevalent chemical compound found in cannabis. It has been determined that CBD has no potential for abuse and will not lead to hospitalization even at high doses. THC and CBD have the same molecular structure, but there are differences in the organization of these molecules that are responsible for the different effects they have.

THC activates the brain's reward system by signaling the release of dopamine, a brain chemical. Research has found that up to 70% of CBD products are mislabeled and contain much more THC than the labels suggest. If you're getting ready to embark on the journey of trying cannabis edibles with CBD and THC, remember to think about what kind of experience you want. Depending on who is requesting a test and what they are using the results for, a drug test can also be used to detect CBD.

While you won't feel the effects of CBD for more than a few hours, you may show up on a drug test more than two weeks after you've used it. The CBD that comes from marijuana may contain more THC, which may not be ideal for people trying to avoid it. They don't contain enough THC to make you feel high, but they could give you a false positive drug test, especially if you regularly use full-spectrum gummies.