The legal limit for cannabis possession in Virginia is a 90-day supply of products containing up to 10 mg of THC per single dose. Until the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority can enact regulations, the possession limit is one ounce of marijuana. Possession of more than 4 ounces and up to one pound is a misdemeanor. Possession with the intent to distribute any quantity is illegal.
Recreational use of marijuana is legal for adults over 21 years of age, with a limit of 1 ounce or 4 mature plants per household. CBD oil, which contains extremely low amounts of THC, is also allowed. Democratic senators are on track to introduce legislation to legalize marijuana before the August recess. It is illegal to sell seeds, clones, flowers, or any other part of the marijuana plant in Virginia.
For medical use, it is illegal for anyone to intentionally or knowingly possess more than 1 ounce of marijuana, unless obtained with a valid prescription. However, it is legal to gift up to one ounce of the drug to any adult.