The Dangers of High-THC Marijuana Strains

Learn about the dangers of high-THC marijuana strains and how to get help for addiction treatment.

The Dangers of High-THC Marijuana Strains

Marijuana has been legalized and promoted for its medicinal purposes in recent years, but how do you know when use becomes abuse? The distinctive sign of an addiction is compulsive use despite adverse effects, and it is difficult for a person to control their use of the drug even though it is causing problems in life. This study showed that some current marijuana strains contain 30% THC, compared to 10% standard THC from the 1980s. In a study of products available at online dispensaries in 3 states with legal consumption of non-medical marijuana for adults, the average THC concentration was 22%, with a range of 0% to 45%. Marijuana consumed in products made with marijuana extract, such as a solvent-based oil, contains between 54% and 69% THC in some cases, exceeding 80%.Today's research shows that tolerance to THC develops and that some people have withdrawal symptoms.

The NIDA reports that the higher potency of marijuana currently available, specifically in terms of its THC levels, may be a factor in the increasing number of people who develop a problem. Unlike THC, which binds to brain receptors that control and regulate mood, appetite and pain, CBD is related to other elements in the body that are more in line with general well-being. Other environmental influences that may increase a person's risk of having problems with high-THC marijuana include having a chaotic, abusive or unstable home life during childhood, failing in school, and relationships with peers who abuse high-THC marijuana. But the marijuana available today is more powerful than marijuana from the 1960s, since it contains higher levels of the active ingredient delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive component of marijuana. A person who has become dependent on marijuana strains that are high in THC may receive better service if they enter a rehabilitation center.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known by the abbreviation THC, is the psychoactive element in cannabis or marijuana. In addition to marijuana varieties with higher THC content, the growing popularity of food products containing THC, or edibles, also exposes people who abuse these substances to significantly more intense effects. The best rehabilitation centers provide comprehensive support to prepare people for successful lives, free from the chains of addiction to high-THC marijuana strains.