Can THC Help with Nausea?

Research has conclusively shown that medical marijuana, including cannabinoids and THC, works as an antiemetic for treating nausea caused by various health conditions. Learn more about how cannabis can help with nausea.

Can THC Help with Nausea?

In a recent study, entitled “The Efficacy of Common Cannabis Products for Treating Nausea,” published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, researchers demonstrated that the vast majority of patients who use cannabis to treat nausea experience relief and more than 96% of the study sample reported alleviation. It is clear that medical marijuana, including cannabinoids and THC, works as an antiemetic and can be used to treat nausea caused by various health conditions. Cannabinoid receptors, divided into two main subtypes, CB1 and CB2, are important cell membrane receptors in many parts of the body that affect cells and determine the effects of natural endocannabanoids, as well as THC taken as a drug. Research has conclusively shown that smoking marijuana gives you virtually instant relief from nausea, while edibles and other forms may take longer to work.

CBD products are often mislabeled, and some products contain small amounts of THC despite claims that they do not contain THC. Because research shows that THC is probably more effective at reducing nausea than CBD, full-spectrum CBD products are the best CBD option for relieving nausea. However, CBD products containing more than 0.3 percent THC still fall within the legal definition of marijuana, making them illegal at the federal level, but legal under some state laws. It is important to note that it only occurs in chronic consumption of high doses of THC, mainly in people who do not want to quit smoking.

In a 1975 study, Sallan, Zinberg and Frei found that their 20 subjects found relief from nausea when they used certain types of THC, one of the chemicals in marijuana. CVD and the gastrointestinal tract have endocannabinoid receptors, and all have been shown to show antiemetic responses when the receptors are activated by Δ9-THC. You'll notice it when you take higher levels of CBD and nausea will subside without the high feeling you get from higher THC levels. When it comes to improving nausea symptoms, choosing a strain of medical marijuana with the highest levels of CBD and a moderate amount of THC will be the best option. It is clear that cannabis has been used to treat nausea because of its effectiveness and most states that have legalized medical marijuana have nausea as one of the qualifying medical conditions.