Is weight gain a side effect of thc gummies?

That fact breaks easy rhetoric. With that said, there are several ways that marijuana-infused edibles could help you in your weight-loss efforts.

Is weight gain a side effect of thc gummies?

That fact breaks easy rhetoric. With that said, there are several ways that marijuana-infused edibles could help you in your weight-loss efforts. It really depends on the reasons for the weight gain and whether cannabinoids, especially THC and CBD, can help you address the root cause. While CBD can have a beneficial effect on appetite and weight loss, it can also cause weight gain.

In these cases, THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana) can be used to cause hunger and increase food intake when the patient's current intake is insufficient. But did you know that cannabis can also stimulate weight loss in people with severe pain or muscle stiffness? This is because the greater mobility caused by the medicinal properties of cannabis allows a person to be more active. According to the FDA, it's technically illegal to sell any food with THC across state lines, in most cases. If that brownie contained a high dose of THC, you could feel the effects for up to 12 hours, Stolbach says.

It seems that cannabis can have a significant effect in promoting weight loss in people with certain conditions. Some states require that groceries be labeled with the amount of THC per serving, such as individually wrapped gummy packs. Delta-9-THC may be useful as an appetite stimulant for people who have difficulty eating, such as cancer patients or people with eating disorders. Of course, the best way to lose weight remains through proven methods of diet and exercise.

Some may not want to admit it, but there are some valid reasons why cannabis can cause weight gain in some people. For example, animal studies indicate that CBD affects weight by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors in lymphoid tissue and brain. If you're wondering if edibles help you lose weight, it might be because you've gained a few (or a lot of kilos) because of the pandemic and you're looking for ways to lose weight, or maybe you're just dying to try those delicious cannabis-infused chocolate squares and need a way to justify the calories. Like food or medication, THC consumed through food is absorbed through the walls of the intestines.

So, we've seen some examples of whole plant marijuana helping people lose weight, but what about edibles that contain CBD? According to research, cannabidiol, the main non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in marijuana and hemp plants, seems to modulate appetite in several interesting ways. If you want to try edible products, start slowly with low doses, make sure they come in a container that clearly indicates the concentration of THC, and consume them at a time when you don't need to drive a vehicle for a few hours, Stolbach advises.