What is Delta-8-THC Isomer?

Delta 8 THC is an isomer of delta 9 THC with a similar pharmacological profile and slightly lower psychoactive potency. Learn more about this cannabinoid and its legal status.

What is Delta-8-THC Isomer?

Delta-8-THC is an isomer of delta-9-THC, the compound commonly known as THC. The only difference between the two molecules is the location of a double bond between two carbons. This isomer is called delta-8-THC, and it has a similar pharmacological profile to its delta-9-THC isomer, although with less potency. The delta-8-THC craze began when an oversupply of CBD extracted from hemp grown in the United States caused the price of CBD to plummet.

Since these isomers are commonly derived from hemp extract, many consumers consider delta-8 and delta-10 to be legal hemp-derived products that provide a psychoactive effect. In their quest to develop analytical methods for the various active ingredients in cannabis, some people may have overlooked the fact that THC is present in two different isomers, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol. As with all products, it is important to do your research before buying, producing and selling these cannabinoid isomers. The FDA has not yet given any guidance or regulation to the industry regarding the health and safety of CBD products, so it has no basis to rely on when analyzing these other isomers.

Until now, it has been discovered that the pharmacology of the compound is similar to its delta-9-THC isomer, although with less potency. There is much debate about whether these isomers, as edibles, meet the definition of a controlled substance.