What is High THC Good For? A Comprehensive Guide

This guide examines what high-THC content means for your consumer experience when using marijuana products such as flowers or edibles.

What is High THC Good For? A Comprehensive Guide

Do you want to know an industry secret? One of the biggest misconceptions about weed is that a higher THC content means a higher quality bud that leads to a better, stronger high. The truth is that the percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has nothing to do with the quality of your weed, and it's also a bad indicator of potency. The strongest strains offer the most THC, but this doesn't necessarily mean they will provide the best experience. In addition, the best potent marijuana strains are not only rich in cannabinoids and have certain terpenes such as caryophyllene, limonene and myrcene. Terpenes will offer entourage effects to consumers.

They also enrich cannabis strains with different aromas. If you want to have the best cannabis experience, you can go to the dispensary in search of products with the highest amount of THC. The higher the percentage, the better the cannabis, right? When choosing a cannabis product, it can be tempting to view the THC content as an indicator of “how strong a cannabis experience can be.”However, there is more to it than that. This guide will examine what a high THC content means and how important (or unimportant) it really is to your consumer experience.

A higher percentage of THC does not equate to a more potent intoxication. While THC is really responsible for feeling “high”, many have taken that as “the more THC, the higher I will be.” However, cannabis is not that simple. While you may prefer products with a high THC content for this reason, research suggests that a higher percentage of THC doesn't really mean a difference in deterioration. The myth that the THC flower equates to a more potent heady experience is so widespread that it affects the entire cannabis supply chain. Some producers position their cannabis products as “premium” or “premium” and charge higher prices for them. As a result, strains with high THC content are much more common on dispensary shelves and are often more expensive as well.

While the flower's THC content is considered high, around 15% or more, concentrates are much higher, with some products containing up to 90% THC. However, like cannabis flower, the THC percentage of a concentrate alone is not a clear indicator of how powerful the consumer experience would be. As in the flower, potency depends to a large extent on the complexity of the concentrate's broader compound profile, that is, the other cannabinoids and terpenes present, and in what quantities they exist together with the THC. Understanding the main phytocannabinoids and terpenes beyond high amounts of THC can help you better assess how a product or crop may affect you. While the THC content in flowers and concentrates is not the primary factor in judging potency, the amount of THC is more relevant when it comes to cannabis edibles. Edibles are metabolized differently than flower or cannabis concentrates, and for this reason, the THC content of an edible product (usually represented in milligrams) will accurately describe overall potency.

To learn more about edibles, read our guide to all types of ingestible cannabis products. The consumer experience also goes beyond chemistry; its environmental context also influences how you feel. Consuming the same flower alone and in the comfort of your own home would likely produce a different experience than consuming cannabis at a party. Part of choosing a cannabis product is considering the contexts in which you might use it and then select it accordingly. Some people also rely on the indica, sativa and hybrid system to predict a possible high, but this is even less accurate than relying on THC numbers. For example, some cannabis products have low THC strains, just 1%, while others have a higher THC strain, and their concentration can reach 20% or more.

THC is sensibly stable when made edible, but you shouldn't subject it to higher temperatures for a long time. The three main factors that determine the level of THC include the variety of cannabis, various cannabis products, and the consumer experience. Knowing the level of THC available in cannabis helps consumers estimate how potent the product is and how it will affect them. This means that, in small doses, THC can be relaxing and sedative, but in high doses, it can have the opposite effect. Some people find that certain strains with high THC content do not cause anxiety due to the composition of the strain. But understanding the potency of THC will help you measure the level of psychoactive sensation you'll experience and should be the first thing you consider when making a purchase. A number of people who use cannabis for recreational purposes opt for strains with higher THC as it offers more powerful and defined psychoactive effects.

But research spanning several decades helped us uncover part of the mystery behind desired cognitive effects of cannabis on strains with low and high THC content. Ideally this would be less than 10%, since there is no good research on concentrations above this for any medical condition and there is significant literature on negative effects of high-potency THC. These receptors are found throughout brain and are still called endocannabinoid receptors but not because they are intended for people to ingest THC. Researchers confirmed vastly higher amount of THC in blood of concentrate users but poisoning was hardly different from those who consumed medium to high THC flower. Breeders have made this possible by crossing strains to obtain perfect genetics with higher THC levels. Focusing solely on THS content not only does not guarantee better high but also robs consumer of full and complete experience that different types of cannabis can offer.