When it comes to cannabis, the amount of THC present is often seen as a measure of potency and strength. But is this really the case? In this article, we'll explore the truth behind THC levels in cannabis and what it means for users. With a high THC bloom, more of the psychoactive compound enters the bloodstream with each puff, making its effects appear faster and more intensely. In other words, if you're looking for a stronger high, then high THC flower is the way to go.
Medical patients may also prefer flowers with a high THC content for this reason. However, many people mistakenly believe that cannabis with a high THC content will make them feel more medicated. This isn't always the case. THC isn't the only factor that determines the strain's potency, and it's not always the best way to judge how strong the flower's effects will be.
In fact, one of the biggest misconceptions about weed is that a higher THC content means a higher quality bud that leads to a better, stronger high. The truth is that the percentage of THC has nothing to do with the quality of your weed and is also a bad indicator of potency. It's rare to see THC levels above 25%.
THC Levels in Cannabis
Although it is much more common to see claims of THC levels of 25 to 30% in marijuana, usually the best quality cannabis you'll find is in the 25% to 30% range.In general, any cannabis strain with more than 20% THC should be considered very strong. It's important to remember that outlandish claims of THC levels should be backed up by laboratory data. A growing number of states have identified PTSD as an approved condition for medical marijuana. However, there is no evidence that marijuana successfully treats PTSD and there is evidence that it can make it worse. Marijuana is not the answer to PTSD, similar to why benzodiazepines or alcohol are not the answer for PTSD. All these compounds do is provide temporary relief by numbing the individual and disconnecting them from traumatic emotion.
It doesn't resolve the trauma and they have to continue using it several times a day to continue the benefit. This can lead to increased potential for addiction and withdrawal symptoms, cognitive impairment, a-motivational syndrome, and the potential for psychosis or worsening psychosis due to PTSD. An observational study conducted by the VA followed 2,276 veterans who were treated for PTSD in one of the VA's PTSD treatment programs nationwide. Those who used marijuana were compared to those who did not, and those who never used marijuana were found to have a significantly lower severity of symptoms four months after PTSD treatment. Those who were using marijuana but stopped using it in treatment had the lowest level of PTSD symptoms four months after treatment, and those who started smoking marijuana had the highest levels of violent behavior and PTSD symptoms four months after treatment. Another puzzle affecting the treatment of PTSD is the possibility that cannabis users may have a greater susceptibility to memory distortions, even when they are abstinent and drug-free, which can compromise reality monitoring. He studied 16 heavy cannabis users (daily for the past two years, average 21 years) to 16 naive cannabis controls matched, 26 Cannabis users had to refrain from using cannabis for four weeks prior to the study. The study included a memory paradigm that included a study phase and a test phase with the participant on an MRI scanner. They were given lists of four words to memorize, and then they were shown a different list and had to report if the words were in the list above.
Marijuana users were significantly more likely to have false recognition of words and were less likely to reject that they had a false memory compared to non-users. The percentage of THC is usually considered to be the potency or strength of a cannabis strain. But THC doesn't work like many other psychoactive substances. While it's natural to assume that a higher level of THC would lead to a higher level of deterioration, this is simply not true.