How Much THC is Safe for Dogs?

This blog explores the benefits, side effects, toxicity and lethality of CBD and THC, the two main compounds in marijuana for dogs. Learn how much THC is safe for dogs and how activated charcoal can help absorb it.

How Much THC is Safe for Dogs?

When it comes to cannabis and dogs, it's important to understand the risks and benefits of THC. The average edible treat contains 10 to 15 mg of THC, while a high dose contains 20 mg or more. For safety, the maximum amount of THC should not exceed 0.3% of cannabis or edible oil. Dogs with irritable bowel syndrome may benefit from the THC component of cannabis, but only in small amounts.

Activated charcoal can help absorb THC in your dog's body and prevent it from spreading. The amount of charcoal to give your dog will depend on its size, with 1 to 3 grams per body weight being ideal. Administering the charcoal into the mouth with a syringe is recommended. In some cases, THC products may be appropriate for dogs if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Isolated hemp products should not contain any THC or other hemp compounds besides the main ingredient on the list. Clinical studies have shown that, in addition to any psychoactive effect, THC can also reduce pain and anxiety in many people and animals. If your dog is fit to consume THC, your vet will help you give it the right amount. Common side effects of THC oil in dogs may include sedation, increased heart rate and changes in appetite.

Severe THC poisoning may require intravenous fluids, medications, fluids, and possibly induced vomiting. Finding the right dose of THC for your dog is a process that can take time and patience. Broad-spectrum hemp products must contain 0% THC, but may contain other cannabinoids and hemp compounds in addition to the main ingredient on the list. Even a small dose above the normal amount of THC oil may be too much for your dog, especially if it's a smaller breed.

CBD oil also comes from cannabis plants but doesn't have as many serious side effects as THC and won't cause any “euphoric” effects to your dog. If your cannabis contains a lot of THC, it can cause an adverse reaction in your dog, causing them to lose their balance and often fall out of control. Intravenous lipid infusion therapy may be recommended by your vet to help THC pass through your pet's body faster.